Background: in deformation quantization one wants to construct formal associative deformations (the star products $\star$) of the algebra of smooth complex-valued functions on a Poisson manifold $M$ in direction of the Poisson bracket. The cochains in order $\hbar^r$, where $\hbar$ is the deformation parameter, are not just any $2$-cochains of $C^\infty(M)$ but typically one requires them to be either continuous with respect to the usual $C^\infty$-topology, or even bi-differential. Beyond the deformation of $C^\infty(M)$ one also is interested in deforming all kinds of modules over $C^\infty(M)$ once a star product $\star$ is fixed in such a way that one still obtains modules. Also here the "classical" modules usually come from geometry (sections of bundles etc) and hence allow for the notion of differential cochains.
The deformation problem is mainly governed by the Hochschild cohomology of $C^\infty(M)$ with values in the corresponding endomorphisms of the "classical" module one wants to deform (or the algebra itself). However, the additional requirement of being differential brings us to a sub-complex. Thus the computation of its cohomology is a new problem which in the cases I know has to be done more or less by hand...
For a general commutative algebra one still can define mutlidifferential operators (with values in modules) a la Grothendieck in a completely algebraic way (reproducing the above differential operators in the case of $C^\infty(M)$). This gives a sub-complex of the Hochschild complex which I would like to understand: for the algebraic situation and also for continuous cochains (under some conditions) one has the usual tools of homological algebra to identify the Hochschild cohomology as certain Ext groups etc.
However, the additional requirement of being differential does not seem to fit into this nice algebraic abstract nonsense theory. I guess it would be very nice to have these sort of tools also available in the differential setting, which, after all, is entirely algebraic in its nature.
So my question is: are there any possibilities to transfer the usual notions of Ext etc to the differential case?