I am not an algebraic geometer, but I am a topologist who uses sheaves. I have studied some algebraic geometry and am interested in what happens as I reduce the amount of rigidity in the structure sheaves on a space. Specifically I want to know what the cohomology of the following structure sheaves tell you. Please do things over characteristic zero.
If $X$ is a topological space then the natural structure sheaf of continuous functions has no interesting cohomology because of the existence of partitions of unity. Consequently, $C^k$, smooth and topological manifolds have structure sheaves with no interesting cohomology.
To contrast, schemes ($X,\mathcal{O}_X$) with their structure sheaves of regular functions have lots of interesting information. In particular, there is non-trivial higher cohomology. However, I am still unsure what these groups tell you (aside from what all sheaf cohomology means - obstructions to extending sections). For example Hartshorne exercise 4.3 tells you that $H^1(U,\mathcal{O}_U)$ is infinite dimensional (spanned by $x^iy^j|i,j<0$) where $U=\mathbb{A}^2_k-(0,0)$. For $X$ a curve then the dimension of $H^1(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ tells you the genus. For affine pieces this cohomology is trivial, so the cohomology of the structure sheaf detects "non-triviality" of a space. Are there any other characterizations of the higher cohomology groups of the structure sheaf?
I am actually interested in the definable/o-minimal/constructible setting. So I want to consider a constructible space $X$ along with it's structure sheaf of ($\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{Z}$-valued) constructible functions as a ringed space. Since one implementation of definable spaces is the semi-algebraic (or semi-analytic) setting, I would like to know that the cohomology of the structure sheaf here tells you. So if someone could address any of the following:
a real analytic space with the sheaf of analytic functions (no partitions of unity, so potential higher cohomology?) Question: Since regular functions in AG are defined as locally being the quotient of polynomials, would regular for analytic be locally the ratio of analytic? (EDIT: I am interested primarily in the real case since GAGA shows in some cases complex analytic spaces are "as rigid as" complex algebraic ones.)
a semi-analytic space with the above structure sheaf(ves)
a semi-algebraic space with its structure sheaf (Which is? Do Nash functions come into play here?)
for a cell complex, is there a natural way of considering it as a ringed space? If so what would that cohomology tell you?
I apologize for the wide spread of questions. Partial answers will be voted up.