Given a set with a known cardinality, least upper and greatest lower bound; how can I calculate the maximum possible standard deviation for any set of values within the set.
As an example:
Given a set {1,50}, with mean of 25.5, the std. dev. for both members at 34.65. This std. dev. is the possible for a set with a cardinality of 2, greatest lower bound of 1, and least upper bound of 50.
Here are some examples I have calculated by hand:
F(2, 1, 50) = 34.65 (as above)
F(3, 1, 50) = 28.29
F(4, 1, 50) = 28.29
F(5, 1, 50) = 26.84
F(6, 1, 50) = 26.84
F(7, 1, 50) = 26.19
F(8, 1, 50) = 26.19