If the graph of $f$ has a Borel code $c,$ then ZF proves equivalence of these two continuity concepts. Discontinuity of $f$ at $x$ is downward absolute to $L[c, x],$ in which we can find a sequence $x_i \rightarrow x$ for which it is not the case that $f(x_i) \rightarrow f(x).$
Note that semi-continuous $\rightarrow$ Baire class 1 $\rightarrow$ Baire class 2, and every Baire class 2 function has a Borel code, see: The difference between Baire 2 and 'effectively Baire 2'. So no counterexamples can occur in the cases you list.
Consistently, the equivalence fails for Baire class 3. If $\mathbb{R}$ is a countable union of countable sets $X_n,$ then every set of reals has a BC3 indicator function. Now let $x=0,$ and let $f$ be the indicator function for $\bigcup_{n<\omega} \{y \in [2^{-n-1}, 2^{-n}]: \forall i<n (y \text{ codes an enumeration of } X_i)\}.$ This is discontinuous at $x,$ but a failure of sequential continuity at $x$ would provide a way to enumerate $\mathbb{R},$ so that can't happen.