$\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}}$I think a good way to think about those problems in general is the chaining technique. This might be slightly too strong of a hammer for the problem at hand, but it gives a concrete way to approach all similar problems. Let us pretend for a second that the random variables $X_1, \ldots X_n$ are instead jointly gaussian (but not necessairly independent).
Theorem (Chaining)
Let $T$ be a finite set, and $\{X_t\}_{t \in T}$ be a family of jointly Gaussian random variables, with $\mathbb{E} X_t = 0$. We can introduce a (pseudo)metric on $T$ via
d(t_1, t_2) := \sqrt{\mathbb{E} (X_{t_1} - X_{t_2})^2}.
Then if $\{t_*\} = A_0 \subset A_1 \subset A_2 \ldots \subset A_m = T$ is a sequence of subsets of $T$, we have
\E \sup_t X_{t} \lesssim \sup_t \sum_{k} d(t, A_{k}) \sqrt{\log |A_{k+1}|}.
Let $\pi_k : T \to A_k$ map $t \in T$ to the nearest point in $A_k$. We have
X_t - X_{t_*} = \sum_{k} (X_{\pi_{k+1}(t)} - X_{\pi_{k}(t)}) = \sum_{k} d(\pi_{k+1}(t), \pi_k(t)) \frac{X_{\pi_{k+1}(t)} - X_{\pi_k(t)}}{d_{\pi_{k+1}(t), \pi_k(t)}}.
Taking supremum we get
\sup_t X_t - X_{t_*} \leq \sup_t \sum_k d(\pi_{k+1}(t), \pi_k(t)) \sup_{u\in A_k, v \in A_{k+1}} \frac{X_u - X_v}{d(u,v)},
by linearity of expectation
\E \sup_t X_t - X_{t_*} \leq \sup_t \sum_k d(\pi_{k+1}(t), \pi_k(t)) \E \sup_{u\in A_k, v \in A_{k+1}} \frac{X_u - X_v}{d(u,v)},
and since random variables $(X_{u} - X_{v})/d(u,v)$ are all gaussians with variance $1$, we have $\E \sup_{u \in A_k, v\in A_{k+1}} \frac{X_u - X_v}{d(u,v)} \lesssim \sqrt{\log(|A_k| |A_{k+1}|)} \lesssim \sqrt{\log |A_{k+1}|}$.
Finally, by triangle inequality we have $d(\pi_{k+1}(t), \pi_k(t)) \leq 2d(t, \pi_{k}(t))$, and hence
\E \sup_t X_t = \E \sup_t X_t - X_{t_*} \lesssim \sup_t \sum_k d(t, A_k) \sqrt{\log |A_{k+1}|}.
Now to prove your statement for a collection of Gaussians $X_1, \ldots X_n$, let's just take $X_0 := 0$, and consider a collection $X_0, X_1, \ldots X_n$ together with subsets $A_k := \{0, 1, \ldots 2^{2^k}\}$. Clearly $d(j, A_k) = 0$ if $j \leq 2^{2^k}$ and is at most $\sigma_j$ otherwise, hence
\sum_k d(A_k, j) \sqrt{\log |A_{k+1}|} \leq \sigma_j \sum_{k} \mathbf{1}[2^{2^k} < j ] \sqrt{\log |A_{k+1}|} \leq \sigma_j \sqrt{\log(j+1)} \sum_{k\geq 0} 2^{-k/2} \lesssim \sigma_j \sqrt{\log(j+1)}
Finally, in case of your problem, we had a bit weaker assumption: $X_1, \ldots X_n$ are only subgaussian. As it turns out, the entire chaining theorem above works with the same proof if $X_1, \ldots X_n$ are subgaussian, where $d(u,v)$ is a subgaussian constant of $(X_u - X_v)$ (see for instance Orlicz norm $\Psi_2$ for the triangle inequality). There should be a way to extract out of this argument much more direct proof of the desired fact.