I am currently going through the papers of Nazarov (2003): "On the maximal perimeter of a convex set in $\Bbb R^n$ with respect to a Gaussian measure" (MR2083397, Zbl 1036.52014) and Ball (1993): "The reverse isoperimetric problem for Gaussian measure" (MR1243336, Zbl 0788.52010). To define the Gaussian perimeter of a convex set $C\subset \Bbb R^d$, Ball(1993) defined the integral over boundary $\partial{C}$ of $C$ with respect to $d-1$ dimensional Hausdorff measure as follows: $$\int_{\partial{C}}\phi_d(\mathbf{z})\mathcal{H}^{d-1}(d\mathbf{z}),$$ where $\phi_d(\mathbf{z})=(2\pi)^{-d/2}\exp\{-(\mathbf{z}^\prime \mathbf{z})/2\}$ is the density function of $d$ dimensional standard Gaussian random vector and $\mathcal{H}^{d-1}$ denote $(d-1)$ dimensional Hausdorff measure.
On the other hand, Nazarov (2003) defined the same quantity as follows: $$\int_{\partial{C}}\phi_d(\mathbf{z})d\sigma(\mathbf{z}),$$ where, $d\sigma(\mathbf{z})$ is the standard surface measure in $\Bbb R^d$.
My questions are as follows:
How can we prove the equivalence between these two definitions? By that I mean "is there any result that says for boundary of convex sets on $R^d$ we can actually interchange between surface measure and Hausdorff measure with appropriate dimension"? Any help or reference regarding this will be sincerely appreciated.
Suppose I believe there's some equivalence between these two measures. But can anyone please intuitively explain why Ball (1993) considered the dimension $(d-1)$ for Hausdorff measure ? Any result or reference will be helpful.
P.S.: I am new to these concepts. But I was just going through the book: Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions by Evans and Gariepy (MR3409135, Zbl 1310.28001).
They have mentioned that "if $k$ is an integer then $\mathcal{H}^k$ agrees with ordinary $k$-dimensional surface area on nice sets" (ref. page 82). What do they mean by that nice sets?
Another result (not sure of the reference!) says that "For a $k$-dimensional manifold $M\subset R^d$ of class $\mathcal{C}^1$ with $1\leq k\leq d$, M has Hausdorff dimension $d$ and that $\mathcal{H}^d(M)$ is the standard surface measure of $M$".
"The boundary of an $d$-manifold with boundary is an $(d-1)$-manifold."
Does the statements 1), 2) or 3) from this book help anyway to my questions 1) and 2)? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.