Let $\phi$ be a "reasonable" formula in the language of first-order arithmetic expressing some amount of transfinite induction along a given (index for a) computable linear order; my default choice here is $\Sigma_1$-transfinite recursion, but I'm happy to tweak it if a different definition would result in an easier question.
Let $\mathsf{PA}$ be the usual first-order Peano arithmetic, and let $\mathsf{PA}_\omega$ be its cut-free infinitary analogue.
EDIT: As Anupam Das points out below, the full $\omega$-rule is far too strong for this question to be interesting. There are many weakenings of the $\omega$-rule studied in the literature, and I'm not sure which is appropriate. Here's one which I think de-trivializes the question, although I could be wrong and I'm separately happy for it to be replaced by a different weakening: we restrict attention to deductions which are computable as well-founded labelled trees and have some computable code which $\mathsf{PA}$ proves defines an appropriate tree.
Given an ordinal $\alpha$, let $P(\alpha)$ be the smallest rank of any $\mathsf{PA}_\omega$-deduction of $\varphi(e)$ for any index $e$ for a computable copy of $\alpha$.
My main question is:
What is $P$, explicitly?
However, a related question is whether we can compute $P$, or at least bound $P$ nontrivially, in a direct way:
Can we give an upper bound for $P(\alpha)$ in terms of $\alpha$ (and strictly below $\omega_1^\text{CK}$) without appealing to the second incompleteness theorem?
The motivation for this latter question is the broader question of whether Gentzen's theorem — that every $\mathsf{PA}$-proof corresponds to a $\mathsf{PA}_\omega$-proof with rank $<\epsilon_0$ — can yield Godel's first incompleteness theorem (for $\mathsf{PA}$ specifically) as a corollary in a non-circular way. The usual proof of this is via the second incompleteness theorem, but a positive answer to my second question would yield a specific $e$ such that $\mathsf{PA}\nvdash\varphi(e)$ without appealing to Godel along the way. (Put another way, I'm asking whether an old answer to another question of mine can be patched.)