Motivation. If we consider any bijection $\varphi:\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} \N \to \N$, we say integers $m\neq n$ are shrinking with respect to $\varphi$ if $|m-n|>|\varphi(m) - \varphi(n)|$, and expanding if $|m-n|<|\varphi(m) - \varphi(n)|$. I wondered whether it is possible that expanding and shrinking pairs are in disbalance. Let's make this precise.
Precise formulation. For any set $X$, let $[X]^2 = \big\{\{x,y\}: x\neq y\in X\big\}$. For any positive integer $n\in\N$, we set $[n]^2 :=[\{1,\ldots,n\}]^2$. For $P\subseteq [\N]^2$, we let $$\newcommand{\mmu}{\mu_{[\N]^2}}\mmu(P) = \lim\inf_{n\to\infty}\frac{\newcommand{\card}{\text{card}}\card\big(P\cap [n]^2\big)}{\card\big([n]^2\big)},$$where of course $\card([n]^2) = n(n-1)/2$.
By $S_\N$ we define the set of all bijections $\varphi:\N\to\N$. For $\varphi\in S_\N$ we let the set of shrinking pairs be $\newcommand{\shr}{\text{shr}}\shr(\varphi) = \big\{\{m,n\}\in [\N]^2: |m-n| > |\varphi(m) - \varphi(n)|\big\}$, and for the set of expanding pairs $\newcommand{\exp}{\text{exp}}\exp(\varphi)$ we replace $>$ by $<$.
Question. What are the values of $\sup\big\{\mmu\big(\shr(\varphi)\big) :\varphi \in S_\N\big\}$ and $\sup\big\{\mmu\big(\exp(\varphi)\big) :\varphi \in S_\N\big\}$?
UPDATE. In the comment section below, Emil Jeřábek constructs a bijection $\varphi\in S_\N$ with $\mmu\big(\exp(\varphi)\big) = 1$, establishing $\sup\big\{\mmu\big(\exp(\varphi)\big) :\varphi \in S_\N\big\} = 1$.