$\DeclareMathOperator\cl{cl}$The cyclic edge connectivity $\cl(G)$ is the size of a smallest cyclic edge cut, i.e., a smallest edge cut $F$ such that $G-F$ has two connected components, each of which contains at least one cycle.
In the paper On the cyclic connectivity of planar graphs, Lecture Notes in Math. 303 (1972) 235–242. by M.D. Plummer, Plummer proved the elegant Theorem 4 and leaves an open Question.
Theorem 4. If $G$ is planar and 5-connected, then $\cl(G) \le 13$.
Plummer presented an example of a 5-connected planar graph G with $\cl(G) = 10$. But he claimed that it is unknown whether 5-connected planar graphs with $\cl = 11, 12,$ or $13$ exist.
After searching the literature, I haven't found any related results. Has this question been resolved?