
Consider the problem of packing an upwards-pointing unit equilateral triangle "efficiently" by downwards-pointing equilateral triangles, where "efficiently" means that there is little wasted area relative to the perimeter of the triangles used in the packing. The $n^{th}$ generation of the Sierpinski triangle

Sierpinski triangle from Wikipedia

packs all but $(3/4)^n$ of the area of the large upwards triangle by downwards triangles, at the cost of a net perimeter of $\asymp (3/2)^n$. Thus, if we let $\varepsilon$ denote the area not packed, then the perimeter of the triangles used in this construction is $\gg \varepsilon^{-\alpha}$ for $\alpha = \frac{\log (3/2)}{\log (4/3)} = 1.409\dots$.

My question is whether this phenomenon is general: given any finite collection of downward equilateral triangles in the upward unit equilateral triangle that is a packing (i.e., interiors are disjoint) and leaves an area of $\varepsilon$ not covered, is it true that the total perimeter of the triangles used is of the form $\gg \varepsilon^{-c}$ for some absolute constant $c>0$? For my application I do not need an optimal exponent $c$. [EDIT: as pointed out in answers, to make the answer positive for large $\varepsilon$, the outer triangle should also count towards the total perimeter.]

I think I can establish a bound of the form $\gg \log \frac{1}{\varepsilon}$ (roughly speaking, by arguing that every dyadic scale of triangles between $\varepsilon$ and $1$ has to contribute a constant amount of perimeter, otherwise there will be too much waste), but for my application I really need a polynomial lower bound (or maybe $\exp( (\log\log \frac{1}{\varepsilon})^C )$ for a large absolute constant $C$ might suffice). It's intuitively plausible to me that the Sierpinski packing is the "best" packing for this purpose, and that the smaller triangles really have to contribute more than a constant amount of perimeter, but I am finding it surprisingly tricky to locate a rigorous argument. Perhaps this sort of question has already been studied in the literature?

One can interpret this question as an exotic form of an isoperimetric inequality, where the region of interest is required to be a disjoint union of downwards pointing equilateral triangles in a fixed upward pointing triangle, but this question seems rather orthogonal to the usual theory of isoperimetric inequalities, so I don't believe that this interpretation is particularly fruitful.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The trivial lower bound is $e^{c\sqrt{\log 1/\varepsilon}}$. Will that be sufficient? $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Mar 31 at 3:23
  • $\begingroup$ That should suffice I think. $\endgroup$
    – Terry Tao
    Commented Mar 31 at 3:53
  • $\begingroup$ When it is not clear whether I am right or wrong, I would never begin a question with "am I being an idiot". $\endgroup$
    – Alex M.
    Commented Apr 2 at 7:56
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexM. And yet I and many of my British contemporaries might well do exactly that. What is your point? $\endgroup$
    – Yemon Choi
    Commented Apr 2 at 10:38
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @AtypicalAnorexic this is the case for the specific packing induced by the Sierpinski triangle, but in general a packing of upwards triangles does not canonically induce a complementary packing of downwards triangles . $\endgroup$
    – Terry Tao
    Commented Apr 2 at 14:11

2 Answers 2


Ok I think this is an argument that the perimeter at least $\varepsilon^{-c}$ for some sufficiently small $c$. To avoid special cases where $\varepsilon$ is large, we use the convention that we count the sides of the upwards-pointing triangle as part of the total perimeter.

Claim 1: Consider any packing as above. Let $p$ be the total perimeter of triangles, and let $s$ be the side-length of the smallest triangle. Then $s=O(\varepsilon/p).$

The proof idea is the following observation. For any downwards-pointing triangle $T$ consider the set of points at distance at most, say, $s/100$ from $T$. The majority of these points are not covered, and have $T$ their closest triangle. Summing this over all triangles gives $\varepsilon = \Omega(ps)$, or, equivalently, $s=O(\varepsilon/p)$.

Claim 2: $p\geq \varepsilon^{-c}$ for any sufficiently small $c>0$.

We prove this by induction on the number of triangles. With the convention that the borders of the upwards-pointing triangle are counted as part of the perimeter, the statement is clearly true for small $c>0$ for any packing of exactly one triangle, so the base case is clear.

Now suppose the inequality holds for all packings with up to $n$ triangles. Let $T_1, T_2, \dots, T_{n+1}$ denote a packing of $n+1$ triangles ordered in decreasing size. For any $1\leq i \leq n+1$, let $\varepsilon_i$ denote area not covered by the first $i$ triangles, $p_i$ the total perimeter of the first $i$ triangles, and $s_i$ the side length of the $i$:th triangle respectively.

By the induction hypothesis, we know that $p_n \geq \varepsilon_n^{-c}$. Hence $$ p_{n+1} \geq p_n+3s_{n+1} \geq \varepsilon_n^{-c} + 3s_{n+1},$$ and the claim follows if we can show that $ \varepsilon_n^{-c} + 3s_{n+1} \geq \varepsilon_{n+1}^{-c}.$ To evaluate this, observe that $$ \varepsilon_n^{-c} = (\varepsilon_{n+1}+(\sqrt{3}/4)s_{n+1}^2)^{-c}\geq \varepsilon_{n+1}^{-c}(1-(\sqrt{3}/4)cs_{n+1}^2/\varepsilon_{n+1}),$$ where the last step follows from the convexity of $(1+x)^{-c}$. Plugging this into the inequality above, it remains to show $3s_{n+1}\geq (\sqrt{3}/4)cs_{n+1}^2/\varepsilon_{n+1}^{1+c}$, or $4\sqrt{3} \geq cs_{n+1}/\varepsilon_{n+1}^{1+c}$.

Observe that we can assume that $\varepsilon_{n+1}/\varepsilon_n$ and $p_{n+1}/p_n$ are both $\Theta(1)$. The former is because, by Claim 1, $\varepsilon_{n+1}=\Omega(s_{n+1}p_{n+1})\geq \Omega(s_{n+1}^2).$ The latter is because $n\geq 1$ and triangles are ordered decreasingly. In particular, this lets us also assume that $p_{n+1}=\Theta(\varepsilon_{n+1}^{-c})$. So $cs_{n+1}/\varepsilon_{n+1}^{1+c}$ is up to a constant factor equal to $cs_{n+1}p_{n+1}/\varepsilon_{n+1}$, which by Claim 1 is $O(c)$. In particular, choosing $c>0$ sufficiently small, this expression is less than $4\sqrt{3}$, as desired.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ "the statement is clearly true for small $c>0$ for any packing of exactly one triangle, so the base case is clear." Really? I would say exactly the opposite: for every $c>0$ we can start packing with a single triangle of sufficiently small size to make the base false ($\varepsilon$ is constant and $p$ is small...) $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Apr 3 at 23:19
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The base can be fixed though by waiting until $\varepsilon=0.000001$ in which case we know that the perimeter is at least $10$ or so. The induction step seems correct. Congratulations! $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Apr 3 at 23:53
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks a lot! Concerning the base case, the solution I had for this is to count the border as part of the total perimeter. So $p$ is always at least $3$ (crucually, this convention also works in the proof of Claim 1). I think then the base case is clear? More generally, I guess this means there is nothing 'magical' about it being triangles. Packing any shape that satisfies Claim 1 into an area for which the base case is true will also give a $\varepsilon^{-c}$ perimeter. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 4 at 6:34
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Nice argument! I like how it identifies that Claim 1 is the key geometric feature of the shapes used. $\endgroup$
    – Terry Tao
    Commented Apr 4 at 22:00
  • $\begingroup$ I wonder if one can make the constant in Claim 1 sharp in the Sierpinski gasket case - i.e. is the number of points with $T$ as their closest triangle always at least the side length of $T$ times the side length of the smallest triangle times the area of an equilateral triangle with side length $1$? Just visualizing the Voronoi cells this seems right but I don't quite have an argument. And this wouldn't quite make the overall argument sharp in the Sierpinski gasket case. $\endgroup$
    – Will Sawin
    Commented May 16 at 18:00

OK, posting then.

I prefer to think of triangles pointing to the right in the triangle pointing to the left. Let $\delta=e^{-\sqrt{\log 1/\varepsilon}}$. For each small triangle $T$, let $I$ be the interval of length $\delta$ times the length of the projection of $T$ to the horizontal axis with the same endpoint. If the sum of lengths of $I$'s is noticeable, we are done.

Otherwise, for each $x$ not in the union of $I$'s, the intersections of the triangles with the corresponding vertical line form a system of intervals $J$ satisfying $\operatorname{dist}(J',J'')\ge \delta\min(|J'|,|J''|)$ and for many $x$ those intervals cover the cross-section up to $\varepsilon$ or so.

Now assume that we have $K=K(x)$ intervals in this system. All gaps are at most $\varepsilon$. Take every fifth gap and remove the adjacent interval of length $\le\varepsilon/\delta$. We'll remove a fixed portion of the intervals and the gaps will become $\le\varepsilon/\delta$ (well, $+2\varepsilon$, of course, but who cares?). Repeat for $\frac 12\sqrt{\log 1/\varepsilon}$ steps. Either we will be still left with something, in which case we have $K\ge e^{c\sqrt{\log 1/\varepsilon}}$ (at each step we remove a fixed portion of all remaining intervals), or we'll eliminate everything using only intervals of length $\sqrt\varepsilon$ or less, which results in $K\ge\varepsilon^{-1/2}$, which is even better (our intervals have to almost cover the cross-section). But then the total perimeter is at least $\int K(x)\,dx$ over the good set and we are done again.

There may be some room for improvement here, but that would require some more thinking :-)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thanks! For my application, it is actually the lower bound on $\sup_x K(x)$ which is important, rather than the perimeter, and your argument actually gives a polynomial bound in that case, so I have all that I need for my application, thanks! The general case (where one seeks a polynomial lower bound on the perimeter) still seems intellectually interesting, though. $\endgroup$
    – Terry Tao
    Commented Mar 31 at 14:57
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ For $\sup_x K(x)$, couldn't you look at the set of points in the right-most $(100\epsilon)$-fraction of our big triangle? At most 10 percent (say) of these points are uncovered. So by averaging, there is some $x$ in this very-right region with at least 90 percent of points in the vertical slice covered. However, every right-pointing triangle contributes intervals of length at most $O(\epsilon)$ inside this region. So we need $\Omega(1/\epsilon)$ intervals. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 31 at 16:52
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ One can also make this little trick work 'away from the boundary'. The idea is that if we do not have polynomially large perimeter, we must have some large triangle $T^*$ with side-length $>\epsilon^c$ (for some small choice of $c>0$). But then, if we flip $T^*$ triangle along its vertical base, we can look at the $(100 \epsilon^{1-c})$-fraction of right-most points in this flipped area. And the trick works here too, which allows you to find values of $x$ away from the right-most boundary of the host triangle (since $T^*$ should appear in lots of places). $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 31 at 17:55

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