Short version: Start with a closed interval of length $t>0$ and repeatedly remove a random and uniformly distributed subinterval of length $1$ so long as this is possible. For $t$ large, what is the asymptotic of the expected value $\varphi(t)$ of the number of steps that this process will run?
Long version:
Consider the following random process: start with a closed interval $I_0 = [0,t]$ of length $t>0$. Now repeat the following process: at step $\ell$, randomly and uniformly choose a $u$ such that the open interval $\mathopen]u,u+1\mathclose[$ is included in $I_\ell$ if such $u$ exists, and let $I_{\ell+1} = I_\ell \setminus \mathopen]u,u+1\mathclose[$. (Note: at every stage, $I_\ell$ is a finite union of closed intervals, and “uniformly” refers to the Lebesgue measure restricted/conditioned to this finite union.) The process stops when no such $u$ exists, in which case it is said to have had duration $\ell$. This $\ell$ is a random variable. Call $\varphi(t)$ its expected value.
(There are many ways to describe the same process. Maybe we should consider it as building a random binary tree $\mathscr{T}_t$ with children $\mathscr{T}_u$ and $\mathscr{T}_{t-1-u}$ for $u$ uniformy distributed in $[0,t-1]$, in which case $\ell$ is the number of edges in the tree.)
It is not difficult to find a functional equation for $\varphi$: $$ \varphi(t)=0\quad\text{if $t<1$} $$ $$ \varphi(t)=1 + \frac{2}{t-1}\int_0^{t-1}\varphi(u)\,du\quad\text{if $t\geq1$} $$ (the second equation follows by observing that the first step in the process divides the interval $[0,t]$ into two intervals $[0,u]$ and $[u+1,t]$ of length $u$ and $t-1-u$, so $\varphi(t)=1 + \frac{1}{t-1}\left(\int_0^{t-1}(\varphi(u)+\varphi(t-1-u))\,du\right)$). From this we deduce an induction formula giving the exact value of $\varphi$ on intervals $[k,k+1]$: $$ \varphi(t) = \varphi_k(t)\quad\text{if $k\leq t\leq k+1$} $$ $$ \text{where}\quad \varphi_k(t) = \frac{t-k}{t-1} + \frac{k-1}{t-1}\,\varphi_{k-1}(k) + \frac{2}{t-1}\int_{k-1}^{t-1}\varphi_{k-1}(u)\,du\quad\text{for $k\geq2$} $$ but the computation quickly turns messy: $$ \begin{aligned} \varphi_1(t) &= 1\\ \varphi_2(t) &= \frac{3t-5}{t-1}\\ \varphi_3(t) &= \frac{7t-4\log(t-2)-17}{t-1}\\ \varphi_4(t) &= {\scriptstyle\frac{1}{3(t-1)}(45t - 60\log(t-2) -24\log(t-2)\log(t-3) - 24\operatorname{Li}_2(3-t)-147-2\pi^2+48\log2)}\\ \end{aligned} $$ (assuming I didn't make any mistakes copying this result, which is unlikely).
However, an exact value isn't very interesting. I am more interested in asymptotics:
Question: What is an asymptotic formula for $\varphi(t)$ as $t$ is large?