I am working with a 3D continuous dynamical system. I have plotted the bifurcation diagram and found that period-doubling bifurcation occurs at a certain parameter value. However, I also want to prove it analytically but haven't found any analytical method to do so. Is there any analytical method to prove the existence of period-doubling bifurcation of a 3D continuous system?
1 Answer
It would be quite hard to give a purely analytical proof for continuous systems, since period doubling analysis (which is typically via Lyapunov-Schmidt bifurcation theory) will need to be carried on the the Poincare (discrete-time) map of the continuous system, and getting a good analytical handle on Poincare Maps is hard. The closest I could find was:
Period doubling in the Rössler system—a computer assisted proof D Wilczak, P Zgliczyński - Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2009.
As the title says, its not 100% analytical but it is rigorous.