
Terry Tao RMT book has the following formula for joint moment of freely independent random variables $X,Y$ in Section 2.5


Exercise 2.5.17 then asks to prove that this is possible for any joint moment. Is there an easy to describe algorithm for actually constructing such formulas? IE, how would I get $\tau(XYXYXY)$?

I'm looking for procedure I can implement in Mathematica to build a "free probability" version of trace formula table like here

  • $\begingroup$ I wonder whether the community will some day recognize a subject called "random matrix theory" that somehow includes the study of Wishart matrices. Many books like the cited one by Terrence Tao never mention those, but I wonder whether, among those not belonging to the present-day random matrix community that consumes lots of things like that book, Wishart matrices my be the most well known random matrices. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 2 at 17:06
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @MichaelHardy The eigenvalues of Wishart matrices are the squares of the eigenvalues of the block matrix that has X in its upper right corner, X^T in the lower left corner, and 0 elsewhere. As such, they are nothing but what is called "Generalized Wigner matrices". Much of the modern theory (including local laws, universality, etc) applies to generalized Wigner matrices. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3 at 20:01

2 Answers 2


Such "concrete" formulas are addressed in Section 3.4. of my memoir Combinatorial Theory of the Free Product with Amalgamation and Operator-Valued Free Probability Theory. This is in the more general operator-valued context, where the calculations involve nestings of the moments, but of course the same formula is true in the usual scalar-valued case, where everything just factorizes into products. Whether those formulas allow an easy implementation in Mathematica, I don't know, as one has to sum over non-crossing partitions and the appearing coefficients have to be calculated in terms of the Moebius functions (and are, according to Proposition 3.4.2, given by products of signed Catalan numbers).

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the pointer! Wondering if there's a much simpler process for the special case when all individual moments =1 $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 2 at 22:05
  • $\begingroup$ If all moments of X are equal to 1, then X is just the constant 1, so all mixed moments become trivial. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3 at 8:52
  • $\begingroup$ Oh right, I meant to ask if there's a much simpler answer for the case of all random variables being independent copies of the same random variable: $d\to \infty$ limit of $d\times d$ Gaussian matrix with $1/\sqrt{d}$ normalization $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 4 at 2:52
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The limit of independent GUE matrices are free semicircular elements. For the calculation in this case, see [my book with Nica] (rolandspeicher.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/…), Example 14.6. (2) $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 5 at 11:59

Given a collection of free random variables $X_i $, to evaluate a trace of the form $$ \tau [ f_1 (X_{i_1 } ) f_2 (X_{i_2 } ) \ldots f_n (X_{i_n } ) ] $$ where $i_{j+1} \neq i_{j} $, consider the vanishing (by freeness) trace $$ \tau [ (f_1 (X_{i_1 } ) - \tau [f_1 (X_{i_1 }])\ (f_2 (X_{i_2 } ) - \tau [f_2 (X_{i_2 }]) \ldots (f_n (X_{i_n } ) - \tau [f_n (X_{i_n }]) ] = 0 $$ Multiplying this out, one can express the trace of a product of $n$ terms by traces of products of $(n-1)$, $(n-2)$, etc., terms, until the expression is reduced to one containing only individual moments.

Thus (using also cyclicity of the trace), \begin{eqnarray} \tau [XYXY] &=& 2\tau [X] \tau [X Y^2 ] +2\tau [Y] \tau[X^2 Y] -4\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [XY] \\ & & {}-(\tau[X])^2 \tau [Y^2 ] -(\tau[Y])^2 \tau [X^2 ]+4(\tau[X])^2 (\tau[Y])^2 \\ & & {}-(\tau[X])^2 (\tau[Y])^2 \\ &=& (\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y^2 ] + (\tau [Y])^2 \tau [X^2 ] -(\tau [X])^2 (\tau [Y])^2 \end{eqnarray} as noted in the OP, and similarly, \begin{eqnarray} \tau [XYXYXY] &=& 3\tau [X] \tau [XYXY^2] + 3\tau [Y] \tau [X^2 YXY] -6\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [XYXY] \\ & & {}-3(\tau [X])^2 \tau [XY^3]-3\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [X^2 Y^2] -3(\tau [Y])^2 \tau [X^3 Y] \\ & & {}+9(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [XY^2] + 9\tau [X] (\tau [Y])^2 \tau [X^2 Y] +(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y^3] \\ & & {}+(\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X^3] -9(\tau [X])^2 (\tau [Y])^2 \tau [XY] -3(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2] \\ & & {}- 3\tau [X] (\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X^2] +6(\tau [X])^3 (\tau [Y])^3 -(\tau [X])^3 (\tau [Y])^3 \end{eqnarray} To evaluate this, we need \begin{eqnarray} \tau [XYXY^2 ] &=& 2\tau [X] \tau [XY^3] + \tau [Y] \tau [X^2 Y^2] +\tau [Y^2 ] \tau [X^2 Y] -2\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [XY^2] \\ & & {}- (\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y^3] -2\tau [X] \tau [Y^2 ] \tau [XY] - \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] \tau [X^2 ] \\ & & {}+4(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] -(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] \\ &=& (\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y^3] + \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] \tau [X^2 ] -(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] \end{eqnarray} Inserting this, as well as the expression with $X$ and $Y$ exchanged, and the previous result for $\tau [XYXY]$, we end up with \begin{eqnarray} \tau [XYXYXY] &=& 3\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [X^2 ] \tau [Y^2 ] +(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y^3] +(\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X^3] \\ & & {} -3(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2] -3(\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X] \tau [X^2] +2(\tau [X])^3 (\tau [Y])^3 \end{eqnarray} This seems feasible to automate (I'd be surprised if it hasn't been, but I don't know where to look).


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