Given a collection of free random variables $X_i $, to evaluate a trace of the form
\tau [ f_1 (X_{i_1 } ) f_2 (X_{i_2 } ) \ldots f_n (X_{i_n } ) ]
where $i_{j+1} \neq i_{j} $, consider the vanishing (by freeness) trace
\tau [ (f_1 (X_{i_1 } ) - \tau [f_1 (X_{i_1 }])\
(f_2 (X_{i_2 } ) - \tau [f_2 (X_{i_2 }]) \ldots
(f_n (X_{i_n } ) - \tau [f_n (X_{i_n }]) ] = 0
Multiplying this out, one can express the trace of a product of $n$ terms by traces of products of $(n-1)$, $(n-2)$, etc., terms, until the expression is reduced to one containing only individual moments.
Thus (using also cyclicity of the trace),
\tau [XYXY] &=& 2\tau [X] \tau [X Y^2 ] +2\tau [Y] \tau[X^2 Y]
-4\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [XY] \\
& & {}-(\tau[X])^2 \tau [Y^2 ]
-(\tau[Y])^2 \tau [X^2 ]+4(\tau[X])^2 (\tau[Y])^2 \\
& & {}-(\tau[X])^2 (\tau[Y])^2 \\
&=& (\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y^2 ] + (\tau [Y])^2 \tau [X^2 ]
-(\tau [X])^2 (\tau [Y])^2
as noted in the OP, and similarly,
\tau [XYXYXY] &=& 3\tau [X] \tau [XYXY^2] + 3\tau [Y] \tau [X^2 YXY]
-6\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [XYXY] \\
& & {}-3(\tau [X])^2 \tau [XY^3]-3\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [X^2 Y^2]
-3(\tau [Y])^2 \tau [X^3 Y] \\
& & {}+9(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [XY^2] + 9\tau [X] (\tau [Y])^2 \tau [X^2 Y]
+(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y^3] \\
& & {}+(\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X^3] -9(\tau [X])^2 (\tau [Y])^2 \tau [XY]
-3(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2] \\
& & {}- 3\tau [X] (\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X^2] +6(\tau [X])^3 (\tau [Y])^3
-(\tau [X])^3 (\tau [Y])^3
To evaluate this, we need
\tau [XYXY^2 ] &=& 2\tau [X] \tau [XY^3] + \tau [Y] \tau [X^2 Y^2]
+\tau [Y^2 ] \tau [X^2 Y] -2\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [XY^2] \\
& & {}- (\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y^3] -2\tau [X] \tau [Y^2 ] \tau [XY]
- \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] \tau [X^2 ] \\
& & {}+4(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ]
-(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] \\
&=& (\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y^3] + \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ] \tau [X^2 ]
-(\tau [X])^2 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2 ]
Inserting this, as well as the expression with $X$ and $Y$ exchanged, and the previous result for $\tau [XYXY]$, we end up with
\tau [XYXYXY] &=& 3\tau [X] \tau [Y] \tau [X^2 ] \tau [Y^2 ]
+(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y^3] +(\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X^3] \\
& & {} -3(\tau [X])^3 \tau [Y] \tau [Y^2] -3(\tau [Y])^3 \tau [X] \tau [X^2]
+2(\tau [X])^3 (\tau [Y])^3
This seems feasible to automate (I'd be surprised if it hasn't been, but I don't know where to look).