Let $\{a_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ be a sequence of complex numbers satisfying $|a_n|\le n^2$ and $|a_n|\to \infty$. I'm looking for a function $h(z)$ such that:
(a) $h$ is holomorphic on a half-plane $\{\Re(z) > - \epsilon\}$ for some $\epsilon >0$;
(b) $h(n)=a_n$ for all $n\ge 1$;
(c) $h$ is of exponential type $c<\pi$ on $\{\Re(z) > - \epsilon\}$.
I have tried to construct such an $h$ by using a function $g(z)$ with zeroes of order 1 at each $n$ and letting $$h(z) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty\, a_n \, \frac{g(z)}{g'(n)\, (z-n)}\, e^{\delta(z-n)}$$ for any $\delta>0$. The problem is that I've found only entire functions $g$ with the requested properties and this implies the exponential type of $h$ to be $\ge \pi$. I hope the request that $h$ is holomorphic only on a domain and is not necessarily entire helps.