I'm interested (both autonomously and directly related to my work) in the natural internalization of $\infty$-topos sheaves in it (as usual, assuming Grothendieck universes). Is there any literature where this has arisen before?
I was especially interested in the following natural construction. Let C be an $\infty$-site and $H$ be the topos of $\infty$-sheaves on it. We call an object $A \in H$ $u$-small (for a Grothendieck universe $u$) if all its $\infty$-groupoids are realized by $u$-small Kan complexes. Now the subcategory $uH$ of all $u$-small objects of $H$ and $uH$ is an $\infty$-topos in the $u$-sense. Let us now define a (presumably) internal category $u\mathcal{H}$ in $H$ as
$(u\mathcal{H})_n(c) := \mathrm{core}((uH)^{[n]} \to c)$ (core of over-category)
and pullbacks along morphisms. This is actually a well-defined simplicial $\infty$-presheaf on $C$, right? (as far as I understand, in a $n$-topos we would get a presheaf of $(n+1)$-groupoids since non-trivial isomorphisms would arise between the pullbacks, but the perfection of the $\infty$-approach is that $\infty + 1 = \infty$). Under what conditions can we expect that this simplicial presheaf will actually be an internal category?