The modulus of matrices is meant componentwise in the following. Let $H$ be a sqaure matrix that satisfies the following assumptions:
- $H$ is real-valued, symmetric, and positive-definite..
- $H$ is irreducible.
- The largest eigenvalue $\lambda$ of $H$ is simple, say with eigenvector $\mathbf{v}$.
- All element of $\mathbf{v}$ can be taken to be non-negative, i.e. $v_i \geq 0 $. (Even if $\mathbf{v}$ doesn't satisfy this, we can use replace $H$ with $SHS$ where $S_{ij} = \delta_{ij} \frac{v_i}{|v_i|}$ to satisfy this condition.)
- The vector $\mathbf{v}$ is also an eigenvector of $|H|$; denote the associated eigenvalue by $\lambda^+$.
Question: Does it follow that $\lambda = \lambda^+$?
In case that this might be helpful, let me provide the properties I found so far:
$\lambda \leq \lambda^+$
Assumptions 4 and 5 and the Perron-Frobenius theorem imply that each entry $v_i$ of $\mathbf{v}$ is strictly positive.
Also by the Perron Frobenius theorem, $\lambda^+$ is the largest eigenvalue of $|H|$.
Given the assumptions of the problem setting, $\mathbf{v}$ must also be an eigenvector for the largest eigenvalue of $H - |H|$, which might be helpful in constructing counterexamples.
Under the given assumption, the property $\lambda = \lambda^+$ that I'm interested in is equivalent to $H = |H|$. This can be seen as follows:
If $\lambda = \lambda^+$ then $\sum_{i,j} v_i H_{ij} v_j = \sum_{i,j} v_i |H|_{i,j} v_j$ and since $v_i \geq 0$ and $|H|_{i,j} = |H_{i,j}|$, every term in summation must be equal to each other, which leads to $H_{ij} = |H|_{ij}$.
Thank you very much in advance.