A 1950 result of Tur'an establishes an equivalence between any prime number theorem of the form $\operatorname{li}(x)-\pi(x)= O(xe^{-C(\log x)^\alpha}) \ (x \to \infty)$ and a certain class of zero-free regions of $\zeta(s)$. See: P. Tur'an, On the remainder-term of the prime-number formula, II, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 1 (1950) 155--166.
Has this equivalence been extended to prime number theorems of the form $\operatorname{li}(x)-\pi(x)= O(xe^{-C(\log x)^\alpha(\log \log x)^\beta}) \ (x \to \infty)$? If so, what is the most general known equivalence of this type?