Someone with many papers on Ramanujan's work asked me how I managed to find the closed-forms for the binomial sums of level $10$ in a recent MO post. (A colleague of his wasn't able to find them.) I found about six general transformation methods, one of which is relevant to his question.
I. Method 1
Given the binomial coefficient $\binom{n}{k}$, some free parameters $p, r,$ and a sequence $s_1(n)$. Define a second sequence as,
$$s_2(m) = \sum_{n=0}^m (-r)^{m-pn} \binom{m+pn}{m-pn} s_1(n)$$
Then we have the transformation,
$$\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} s_1(n)\,\frac{An+ B}{C^n}=\frac{C^{1/p}}{\alpha-r}\sum_{m=0}^{\infty} s_2(m)\,\frac{A/p\,m+ B+D_1}{\alpha^m}$$
where we find $\alpha$ and $D_1$ as,
$$C^{1/p}=\Big(\sqrt{\alpha}+\frac{r}{\sqrt{\alpha}}\Big)^2$$ $$D_1 = \frac{r\,(A/p-2B)}{\alpha+r}$$
II. Level 2
As an example of the method, consider Ramanujan's formula,
$$\frac1{\pi}=\frac{2\sqrt2}{99^2} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \binom{2k}{k}^2\binom{4k}{2k} \frac{26390k+1103}{396^{4k}}$$
so we have $A =26390, B=1103, C = 396^4.$ But we also have the known relation,
$$j_{2A}=\Big(\sqrt{j_{2B}}+\frac{64}{\sqrt{j_{2B}}}\Big)^2= 396^4$$
where $j_M$ is one of the "moonshine functions" (which span a linear space of 163 dimensions). We could choose other $p,r$, but for this case, the appropriate choice is $p=1$ and $r=64$, and giving us the 12th power of the fundamental unit $U_{29}$,
$$\alpha = j_{2B} = 64\left(\frac{5+\sqrt{29}}2\right)^{12}$$
With $\alpha,p,r$ known, then $D_1$ follows, and we get the transformed formula,
$$\frac{1}{\pi} = \frac{16\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{\alpha}}\sum_{k=0}^\infty s_2(k)\, \frac{99^2\sqrt{29}\left(k+\frac12\right)-24184}{\alpha^k}$$
using the second sequence,
$$s_2(k) = \sum_{j=0}^k(-64)^{k-j}\binom{k+j}{k-j}\binom{2j}{j}^2\binom{4j}{2j}$$
See also Ramanujan-Sato series for level 2.
III. Level 10
A known formula is,
$$\frac{1}{\pi} = \frac{5}{76\sqrt{95}}\sum_{k=0}^\infty \sum_{j=0}^k \binom{k}{j}^4\frac{408k+47}{76^{2k}}$$
However, there are the relations,
$$j_{10A} = \left(\sqrt{j_{10B}} + \frac{4}{\sqrt{j_{10B}}}\right)^2 = \left(\sqrt{j_{10D}} + \frac{-1}{\sqrt{j_{10D}}}\right)^2 = 76^2$$
From these, we can get $j_{10B}$ and $j_{10D}$. And just like before, we chose $p = 1$, then $r_B = 4$ and $r_D = -1$. In addition to the 1st sequence, and with minor change of variables, this gives us the 2nd and 3rd sequences,
\begin{align} s_{10A}(k) &=\sum_{j=0}^k \binom{k}{j}^4 = 1,2,18,164,1810,\dots \\ s_{10B}(k) &=\sum_{j=0}^k(-4)^{k-j}\binom{k+j}{k-j}\sum_{m=0}^j \binom{j}{m}^4 = 1,−2,10,−68,514,−4100,\dots\\ s_{10D}(k) &= \sum_{j=0}^k\binom{k+j}{k-j} \sum_{m=0}^j \binom{j}{m}^4 = 1,3,25,267,3249,\dots \end{align}
However, there is still $j_{10C}.$ (All four are found in this post.) But since its relation with $j_{10A}$ is only a near-square, deriving its sequence $s_{10C}(k)$ is trickier but doable (which can be discussed in another post).
Using Method 1, this level 10 formula can be transformed just like Ramanujan's level 2 formula. So with four sequences and subscripts $\small{A, B, C, D}$, this implies there are at least four basic families of 1/pi for level $10$.
IV. Questions
- I found Method 1 empirically. I tested it with various "seed" sequences (even the Fibonacci sequence and others) with free parameters $p,r$ chosen carefully and, as long as it is within the radius of convergence, it seems valid. So when it works, then why does it work?
- For prudence, when testing the method, I only chose small integers for parameters $p,r$. But how arbitrary can they be?