A gerbe on a manifold $M$ is a morphism of simplicial presheaves
$$\def\tB{{\sf B}}\def\U{{\rm U}}\def\cC{{\sf\check C}}\cC(U)→\tB^2\U(1),$$
where $\{U_i\}_{i∈I}$ is an open cover of $M$, $\cC(U)$ is the Čech nerve of $U$, $\U(1)$ is the representable presheaf of the Lie group $\U(1)$, and $\tB$ denotes the delooping functor.
Unfolding this definition yields precisely the cocycle data for a gerbe on $M$.
Likewise, a gerbe with connection on $M$ is a morphism of simplicial presheaves $$\cC(U)→Γ(Ω^2←Ω^1←\U(1))=\tB^2_∇\U(1),$$
where $Γ$ denotes the Dold–Kan functor, and $Ω^k$ denotes the presheaf of differential $k$-forms.
In general, other models for bundle gerbes are obtained by picking simplicial presheaves weakly equivalent to $M$ respectively $\tB^2\U(1)$ (or $\tB^2_∇\U(1)$), and writing down morphisms between them.
For example, a commonly encountered definition of gerbes uses the local data of a principal $\U(1)$-bundle on a submersion over $M$. This is encoded by replacing $M$ with the Čech nerve of the submersion and replacing $\tB^2\U(1)$ with the delooping of the presheaf of principal $\U(1)$-bundles and their isomorphisms.
Since the corresponding simplicial mapping spaces happen to be derived, this also proves the equivalence of various models of bundle gerbes and bundle gerbes with connection.