From discussions 1, 2, @HenriCohen wrote a paper on Lambert $W$-Function Branch Identities which includes identities such as $$\sum_\limits{k \in\Bbb Z}\frac1{(W_k(x)+1)^2}=\sum_\limits{k \in\Bbb Z}\frac1{(W_k(x)+1)^3}=\frac1{xe+1}$$ by repeated differentiation of $\prod_{k\in\Bbb Z}(1-t/W_k(x))=e^{-t/2}-te^{t/2}/x$.
Naturally, we ask: is $(m,n)=(2,3)$ the only solution to $$\sum_\limits{k \in\Bbb Z}\frac1{(W_k(x)+1)^m}=\sum_\limits{k \in\Bbb Z}\frac1{(W_k(x)+1)^n}$$ for positive integers $m<n$ and for all $x>-1/e$?
E.g. When $m>2$ and $n=m+1$, it suffices to show that equality does not hold when $x=2$ for instance, and it then suffices to show that $$\frac{d^m}{ds^m}\left(2m\log(e^{-2s}-s)+\frac{1+2s}{e^{-2s}-s}\right)\bigg\vert_{s=-1/2}\ne0.$$