The answer is no. I guess I owe Fernando Muro 10 dollars.
Let $\mathbb{S}\rightarrow\Sigma^{-2}\mathbb{CP}^\infty$ be the inclusion of the bottom cell, and let $f:F\rightarrow\mathbb{S}$ be the fiber. Then a complex orientation of a ring spectrum $R$ is a nullhomotopy of the composite $F\rightarrow\mathbb{S}\xrightarrow{\text{unit}} R$. Let $MX$ be the pushout in the category of $E_\infty$ algebras of the span $\mathbb{S}\leftarrow\text{Free}_{E_\infty}(F)\rightarrow\mathbb{S}$ where the left leg is the map induced by the zero map $F\rightarrow \mathbb{S}$ and the second is the map induced by $f$. $MX$ is the initial complex oriented $E_\infty$-ring: the space of maps $MX\rightarrow R$ is equivalent to the space of nullhomotopies above (=complex orientations).
Let $H=H\mathbb{F}_2$. Then $H\otimes MX$ is the pushout of $H\leftarrow H\otimes\text{Free}_{E_\infty}(F)\rightarrow H$ in the category of $E_\infty$-$H$-algebras. But note that $H\otimes f$ is null (because $H$ is complex oriented). So $H\otimes MX$ is equivalent, as an $E_\infty$-$H$-algebra, to $H\otimes\text{Free}_{E_\infty}(\Sigma F)$. In particular, $H_*MX$ is equivalent, as a module over the dyler lashof algebra, to the free (graded) commutative ring generated by the free Dyler-Lashof module generated by $H_*\Sigma F\simeq\mathbb{F}_2\{b_1,b_2,..\}$, $|b_i|=2i$.
Now $MX$ is evidently (canonically) complex oriented, so it receives a ring map $MU\rightarrow MX$. On homology that induces the map $H_*MU\simeq \mathbb{F}_2[a_1,a_2,...]\rightarrow H_*MX$ sending $a_i$ to $b_i$.
Suppose $\phi: MU\rightarrow MX$ is an $E_\infty$-ring map. Then for degree reasons, its effect on homology must send $a_1$ to some multiple of $b_1$. But $Q^6(a_1)=a_1^4$ while $Q^6(b_1)$ is another free generator of $H_*MX$. So $a_1$ must be sent to zero. Let $MX\rightarrow MU$ be the $E_\infty$-map corresponding to any complex orientation of $MU$. Then on the one hand the composite $MU\xrightarrow{\phi}MX\rightarrow MU$ also kills $a_1$ in homology, but on the other hand it is a ring map $MU\rightarrow MU$, all of which are equivalences.