Suppose I have a monad $M_S = \langle S , \eta_S, \mu_S \rangle$. I want to map this monad to another monad, $M_Q = \langle Q , \eta_Q, \mu_Q \rangle$. What is the minimum I have to define to give this monad map? Can it be defined just with a natural transformation $F: S \rightarrow Q$. Is there a freedom to just map one or both of the natural transformations to new natural transformations?
I am looking at Street 72 and in it he defines a monad functor.
Is this the same as a monad map? If so, it looks like you need to define a natural transformation $\phi: S \rightarrow Q$, since $U$ in their notation is identity if we stay on the same base category. Is the monad functor the same as a monad map? I mean, are they saying that a monad functor takes a monad to another monad always? Why don't we have the freedom to change the natural transformations to give a new monad? Why don't we have to check/change the natural transformations?