Like this old question, A conceptual proof of Jacobi's product formula for $\Delta$ ?, I am asking again for a conceptual proof of Jacobi's miraculous product formula for $\Delta$ (the unique normalized cusp form of weight $12$ and level $1$), but unlike the previous question, I am asking for a proof specifically from the point of the view of the Leech lattice. For reference, that post contained the following 3 leads:
- a reference to a "prewar paper in German by Hurwitz (Gesamm. Abh, III, no 62)" that no one seems to have found/analyzed/discussed yet;
- Weil's "Sur une formule classique" (Collected works vol III pp 198-200) using a version of the "converse theorems";
- an argument from Frank Calegari (?) using "Hecke eigenvalues of the $E_2$ series":
A similar MO thread Where do the product expansions of modular forms come from? mentions also
- "products like $\Delta$ arise by exponentiation of a Howe theta lift (of which Shimura's correspondence is a special case), although the lift may need to be regularized."
One comment in the latter MO thread mentions connections to lattices. Remark 40 in these notes of Tao also mentions that the product formula for $\Delta$ (now referring to this normalization) is an "interpretation (after some additional effort)" of the relation $E_{12} - \frac{65520}{691}\Delta = \Theta_\Lambda$ where $\Theta_\Lambda(\tau):= \sum_{x\in \Lambda} e^{-i\pi \tau \|x\|^2}$ is the theta-function of the Leech lattice $\Lambda \subseteq \mathbb R^{24}$.
When I tried Googling this connection, I only came across, which links some slides of John Baez, though I was not very satisfied with these answers (the post linked in the Credits provided some further insight).
Question: what exactly is the "some additional effort" needed to go between the relations $\Delta = (2\pi )^{12} \eta^{24}$ and $E_{12} - \frac{65520}{691}\Delta = \Theta_\Lambda$ alluded to above in Tao's Remark 40? I would really prefer an explanation which doesn't go into string theory/monstrous moonshine territory, if at all possible.