Let $C$ be a category. There is a full subcategory $\text{IdemMnd}(C) \hookrightarrow \text{Mnd}(C)$ of the category of monads on $C$ spanned by the idempotent monads. Given a monad $T$ on $C$, suppose we wish to construct an idempotent monad $\hat T$ on $C$ associated to $T$. There are two ways by which we might consider doing so.
- Considering the value at $T$ of a left adjoint to the inclusion $\text{IdemMnd}(C) \hookrightarrow \text{Mnd}(C)$ (the free idempotent monad).
- Considering the value at $T$ of a right adjoint to the inclusion $\text{IdemMnd}(C) \hookrightarrow \text{Mnd}(C)$ (the cofree idempotent monad).
The second case is well-studied: for instance, it is studied by Fakir in Monade idempotente associée à une monade.
Has the first case been studied in the literature? (Alternatively: is there a good reason it has not?) I spell out the universal property we expect of $\hat T$ below, to make it easier to compare with reformulations that may appear.
Let $T$ be a monad on $C$. The free idempotent monad on $T$, denoted $\hat T$ when it exists, is an idempotent monad on $C$ equipped with a monad morphism $\tau : T \to \hat T$ such that for every idempotent monad $T'$ on $C$ and monad morphism $\phi : T \to T'$, there exists a unique monad morphism $\hat\phi : \hat T \to T'$ such that $\hat\phi \circ \tau = \phi$.
We may rewrite this in terms of the categories of algebras as follows: for every functor $F : T'\text{-Alg} \to T\text{-Alg}$ commuting with the forgetful functors, there exists a unique functor $\hat F : T'\text{-Alg} \to \hat T\text{-Alg}$ commuting with the forgetful functors such that $\tau\text{-Alg} \circ \hat F = F$.