Not thinking about $h$-cobordism, one usually defines a cobordism between manifolds, realizes it is an equivalence relation, chooses an appropriate class of structured manifolds (framed, unoriented, spin, ...), and dreams about the group of cobordism classes of these manifolds.
Thinking about $h$-cobordism, whose definition I learned today, one seems to not think this way. At least, I've glanced through the Wikipedia page and some notes/articles about $h$-cobordism and there is no explicit mention of 'the set of $h$-cobordism classes of $n$-manifolds (possibly with structure)' or its (group) structure.
(Taking after Will Sawin and Connor Malin's comments)
There is not an interesting group of $h$-cobordism classes of manifolds in general (see comments.) But there is, for instance, interesting groups of $h$-cobordism classes of homotopy spheres.
Is there any interpretation of these groups of a similar spirit (e.g., using spectra) to the relationship between cobordism and Thom spectra?