It is easy to note that an equilateral triangle can be cut into 3 mutually congruent and non-convex polygons (replace the 3 lines meeting at centroid and separating out the 3 congruent quadrilaterals with identical polylines to get 3 congruent, non-convex pieces) and this partition is easily generalized to 12, 27, ... number of pieces.
Question: Are there other triangles that can be cut into N polygons that are non-convex and mutually congruent? If so, for what values of N?
Note 1: I don't know if there is any partition of any triangle into 7 mutually congruent polygons, convex or otherwise - although it has been proved ( that no triangle can be cut into 7 or 11 congruent triangles.
Note 2: It is known that there are convex polygons that can be cut into a finite number of non-convex and mutually congruent pieces but NOT into convex congruent pieces (eg: A claim on partitioning a convex planar region into congruent pieces).