I thought of the following large cardinal axiom, extending the notion of $\theta$-upliftingness:
Let $\eta$ be be an ordinal, and $X$ be a class of ordinals. $\kappa$ is called $\eta$-iteratively uplifting onto $X$ iff, for every ordinal $\theta$, there is a monotonically increasing sequence $(\gamma_i)_{0 \leq i \leq 1 + \eta}$ such that: (1) $\gamma_0 = \kappa$. (2) $\gamma_1 > \theta$ (3) For every $0 \leq i \leq 1 + \eta$, $\gamma_i \in X$ (3) For every $0 \leq i < j \leq 1 + \eta$, $(V_{\gamma_i}, \in) \prec (V_{\gamma_j}, \in)$ is a proper elementary extension.
It's easy to see that $\kappa$ is pseudo-uplifting iff it is $0$-iteratively uplifting onto $\textrm{Ord}$. Now, I'm wondering, how does $\eta$-iterative upliftingness (onto $\textrm{Ord}$) compare to $\eta$-shrewdness in the hierarchy of large cardinal consistency strength? Recall that $\eta$-shrewdness is defined like so:
Let $\eta$ be an ordinal. $\kappa$ is called $\eta$-shrewd iff, for every formula $\varphi$ and set $A \subseteq V_\kappa$ such that $(V_{\kappa+\eta}, \in, A) \vDash \varphi$, there exist $\bar{\kappa}, \bar{\eta} < \kappa$ such that $(V_{\bar{\kappa}+\bar{\eta}}, \in, A \cap V_{\bar{\kappa}}) \vDash \varphi$.
EDIT: This problem has been solved. It turns out that, for every $\eta$, the existence of a 1-shrewd cardinal above $\eta$ implies the consistency of a cardinal $\kappa$ which is $\eta$-iteratively uplifting on $\textrm{Ord}$.