For integers $A,B\geq 1$ we define the difference $\sigma(A)\sigma(B)-\sigma(AB)$, denoting it as $[A,B]$, where $\sigma(n)=\sum_{1\leq d\mid n}d$ denotes the sum of divisors function. It is possible to get in closed-form the parity of the arithmetical function $[A,B]$, I mean $[A,B]\text{ mod }2$. I was studying propositions about this when I wondered about the veracity of some conjectures.
Question. I would like to know if it you can to find a counterexample or well a (partial) proof for some of the following conjecture (please see bellow and comments). Many thanks.
Conjecture 2. Let $x\geq 1$ be an integer that satisfies $[x,x]=x$, then $x$ is a prime number.
Please if these conjectures are in the literature answer the question as a reference request, or add a comment.
I relegate two conjectures to an Appendix, y deleted the old Conjecture 1 since this is false (my problem was an implementation with three integer values in my program, instead two, the I knew the counterexample, I wrote it in my notebook, but I relate this exception with an open question; any case Conjecture 1 has a bunch of counterxamples).
Appendix: Adding two conjectures from the genuine version of the post. When I can I'm going to revise the old Conjecture 1.
Conjecture 3. Let $x,y\geq 1$ be positive integers such that $y=\sigma(x)$, $\gcd(x,y)>1$, $xy$ isn't a perfect square, $\sigma(y)\equiv0\text{ mod }2$, the integer $x$ is a triangular number and $[x,y]\equiv 1\text{ mod }2$. Then $x$ is an even perfect number.
Conjecture 4. If there exists an integer $N>1$ such that $[N,\sigma(N)]=3\cdot[N,N]$ holds, then $N$ is an odd perfect number.