Recall the Grothendieck spectral sequence which computes the homology groups of a composition of left derived functors $F$ and $G$ on abelian categories: \begin{align*} E_{p,q}^{2}(A)=L_{p}G\circ L_{q}F(A)\Rightarrow L_{p+q}(G\circ F)(A) \end{align*} (note the nLab link is written cohomologically instead).
To consider derived functors on a not necessarily abelian category $\mathcal{C}$, we will adopt the language of animation as described in this paper due to Česnavičius and Scholze - in particular section 5. Namely, the animation of a category $\mathcal{C}$ is an $\infty$-category $\mathrm{Ani}(\mathcal{C})$ freely generated by $\mathcal{C}^{sfp}$, the strongly of finite presentation objects of $\mathcal{C}$, and a functor $F:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{D}$ which preserves sifted colimits has a unique animation $\mathrm{Ani}(F):\mathrm{Ani}(\mathcal{C})\to\mathrm{Ani}(\mathcal{D})$ which is computed on $\mathcal{C}^{sfp}$ and defined via Kan extension.
For example, for a fixed ring $k$, the cotangent complex $L_{-/k}$ is the animation of the functor of Kahler differentials $\Omega_{-/k}$ on the nonabelian category of $k$-algebras, and $L_{A/k}$ is explicitly computed by taking a polynomial simplicial resolution (or more generally a cofibrant replacement) $P\to A$ and then $L_{A/k}:=\Omega_{P/k}\otimes_{P}A$.
And in the abelian setting, animation is the derived functor; namely, given $F:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{D}$ which is right exact, a cofibrant replacement is a resolution by projective modules and $\mathrm{Ani}(F)$ is the functor $LF:D(\mathcal{C})\to D(\mathcal{D})$. For instance, $\mathrm{Ani}(-\otimes_{k}M)=-\otimes_{k}^{L}M$.
The Grothendieck spectral sequence operates under the following hypotheses (Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 in the above nLab link): first, under certain "nice" behavior of $F$ and $G$, the composition of derived functors $LF\circ LG$ is the derived functor of the composition $L(F\circ G)$, and second, if $F$ takes projective objects (or more generally $F$-acyclic objects) to $G$-acyclic objects, then the Grothendieck spectral sequence exists, page two is defined as above, and abuts as above.
Now let $F$ and $G$ be functors on not necessarily abelian categories. In the Česnavičius-Scholze paper linked above, at Proposition 5.1.5, one has similar "nice" behavior of $F$ and $G$ which will imply that the composition of derived functors $\mathrm{Ani}(F)\circ\mathrm{Ani}(G)$ is the derived functor of the composition $\mathrm{Ani}(F\circ G)$.
Here is my question: suppose we have the aforementioned "niceness" and also $F:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{D}$ takes $\mathcal{C}^{sfp}$ to $\mathcal{D}^{sfp}$ (my best understanding for an analog of the second hypothesis). Is it the case that we get a Grothendieck-style spectral sequence where \begin{align*} E_{p,q}^{2}(A)=\pi_{p}\mathrm{Ani}(G)\circ\pi_{q}\mathrm{Ani}(F)(A)\Rightarrow\pi_{p+q}\mathrm{Ani}(G\circ F)(A)? \end{align*}
It seems to me that the proof of the spectral sequence in the abelian setting goes through. If not, what is the obstruction?