Let us say that a morphism $\varphi\colon A\to B$ of rings (commutative, with unit) is a homeomorphism on the (prime) spectra iff the corresponding map $\operatorname{Spec}B\to\operatorname{Spec}A$ (which takes a prime ideal of $B$ to its inverse image in $A$) is a homeomorphism for the Zariski topology.
Main question: can we characterize such $\varphi$ in a purely ring-theoretic way?
(To be very precise, ideally¹ I'd like a characterization that only involves the ring elements, not ideals: that is, a single statement in the first-order two-sorted language of two rings, one sort for elements of $A$ and one for elements of $B$, whose operations are the ring operations on $A$ and $B$ and the ring morphism from one sort to the other, with quantifiers allowed over elements of $A$ or of $B$. But I'd be happy with a little less than that, e.g., a statement that also involves quantifiers over the natural numbers like “any power of $a$”, or one over polynomials with coefficients in $A$ or $B$ is also fine. What I don't want are quantifiers over ideals or other kinds of subsets of $A$ or $B$.)
- Pun unintended.
Alternative questions: purely ring-theoretic characterizations of any of the following properties of $\varphi$ are also of interest to me:
$\varphi$ is bijective on the spectra (this is indeed weaker than being a homeomorphism, as the example of $k[t] \to k[t,t^{-1}]\times k$ given by $f \mapsto (f,f(0))$ shows),
$\varphi$ is a homeomorphism to its image on the spectra,
$\varphi$ is a universal homeomorphism on the spectra (i.e., a homeomorphism on the spectra which remains such after tensoring by any $A\to A'$),
$\varphi$ is a homeomorphism on the maximal spectra (i.e., gives rise to a map $\operatorname{Specmax}B\to\operatorname{Specmax}A$ which is a homeomorphism, where $\operatorname{Specmax}$ is the subset of $\operatorname{Spec}$ consisting of maximal ideals — including the statement that $\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{m})$ is maximal in $A$ for any maximal $\mathfrak{m}$ in $B$),
— or other such variations (e.g., $\varphi$ is bijective on the maximal spectra). I don't know a purely ring-theoretic characterization of any of these.
The closest I know is EGA IV.2.4.5, which states that an integral surjective radiciel morphism of schemes is a universal homeomorphism and that the converse holds if the target is locally noetherian.