I was reading a problem list by Erdos (doi). On page 144 (which is the 12-th page of the pdf), a problem stuck out to me.
For positive integer $n$, let $h(n)$ be the smallest $k$ such that $[n] := \{1,\dots,n\}$ can be partitioned into $k$ parts $A_1,\dots,A_k$ so that $A_i \cup A_j$ lacks arithmetic progressions of length four for each $i,j \in [k]$. I was wondering if this quantity $h(n)$ has been studied, and if so what bounds are known.
Observations: A simple upper bound is the following. Let $c:[k] \to [n]$ be a coloring (which obviously corresponds to a partition of $[n]$ into $k$ parts). If there exists a monochromatic arithmetic progression of length 3, $P = \{n,n+d,n+2d\} \subset [1,2n/3]$, then we have $d<n/3$ implying $n+3d \in [n]$ meaning there exists an arithmetic progression of length four.
Hence we must have $W_{h(n)}(3) > 2n/3$. I am not too familiar with the bounds for the multicolor van der Waerden numbers, but by Bloom and Sisak's density result this implies $h(n) \gg \log^{1+c}(n)$ for some $c>0$.
Also, I'm pretty sure a bound of $h(n)\ll n^{1-\epsilon}$ for some $\epsilon > 0$ should follow by appropriately modifying the work of Tomon and Pach on rainbow arithmetic progressions.