To recall Arrow's theorem:
Suppose we have a finite set $X$ of voters and a finite set $Y$ of candidates.
An election is a map $\phi: X \rightarrow T$ where $T$ is the space of total orderings of $Y$. So we are voting via a total ranked list ballot. Let $E$ be the space of all elections.
A social choice function is a function $f: E' \rightarrow T$ defined on some subset $E' \subset E$.
Kenneth Arrow asks that a social choice function satisfy some reasonable-looking axioms, namely:
- Unanimity - If every single voter prefers $a > b$, then the outcome should also give $a > b$,
- Independence of irrelevant alternatives - Holding fixed an election $\phi$ and candidate $c$, suppose we alter the ballots by moving around only $c$ in the ranking of each ballot, without disturbing the relative order of all other candidates. Call this altered election $\phi'$. Then the outcome $f(\phi')$ should coincide with $f(\phi)$ except possibly with $c$'s place in the ranking changed. In particular, it should not reverse any other pair order, such as $a > b$ into $b > a$,
- Non-monarchy - The social choice function is not just picking one voter, copying their ballot, and ignoring everyone else,
- Unrestricted domain - The social choice function is defined on all of $E$.
Arrow's theorem asserts that if three or more candidates are running, then no such social choice function exists.
But I've never understood why we should adopt the axiom of unrestricted domain. It seems a wildly unrealistic thing to ask.
For example, we can easily manufacture (very low probability) election outcomes with symmetric results, such as one-third voting $a > b > c$, one-third voting $b > c > a$, and one third voting $c > a > b$. The only way I see to deal with such edge cases is to restrict our social choice function to not consider such elections.
So I find it no surprise that such a strong hypothesis as unrestricted domain would ruin any attempt to find a satisfactory social choice function. But I would like to think that the essence of Arrow's theorem is something more robust than just exploiting unrestricted domain to get a contradiction.
So my question is: is there a weaker, more reasonable substitute for unrestricted domain, and a corresponding version of Arrow's theorem in this more general setting?
Maybe I should add that I would much prefer a deterministic social choice function.