In this book (I found it from other references, and it was a nice book to study.), there is an exercise that proving the following two statements.
Every graph $G$ with $m$ edges and maximum degree $k$ has a proper $(k+1)$-edge-coloring with each color used $\lfloor \frac{m}{k+1} \rfloor$ or $\lceil \frac{m}{k+1} \rceil$ times.
Every bipartite graph with maximum degree at least $k$ has a $k$-edge-coloring (not necessarily proper) in which at each vertex $v$, each color appears $\lfloor \frac{d(v)}{k} \rfloor$ or $\lceil \frac{d(v)}{k}\rceil$ times.
First one is proved by Fedor Petrov in a very elegant method.
But for second one, it seems that a quite different strategy is needed, and I have yet no idea with how to prove it.
The book only says 'Use graph transformation.' but no other hints.
Would you help me?