Let $Y$ be a space, and $G$ a group. For simplicity we can take $G$ to be finite, $Y$ to be a point, if this avoids technical issues. Then for $X/Y$ a $G$ torsor, so a sheaf of sets with $G$ action on $X$, locally isomorphic to the sections of $G\times U \xrightarrow{\pi} U$, we can consider the automorphisms of this map, in the category of $G$ torsors.
This will be a sheaf of groups on $Y$, and if we choose a section over $U$, then we get base points of all of our fibres, so we get a local isomorphism with the constant sheaf of groups with value $G$. Then changing our section changes our isomorphism, by conjugation.
My question is then, given a sheaf of groups $G$, how can we tell whether it comes from a $G$ torsor in this manner? Or, what gadget parametrises families of these objects, where we know these groups are locally isomorphic to $G$, only canonically up to conjugation. For instance, if $G=A$ is abelian, then this automorphism sheaf will always be a constant sheaf with group $A$.