Let us define the following integral : $$W_n(r)=r\int_0^{+\infty} J_1(rt)[J_0(t)]^n dt,$$ with $r>0$ a real number and $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and where $J_0(x)$ and $J_1(x)$ are Bessel functions of the first kind. From Gradshteyn-Rizhik (2007 ed) formulas 6.511.1, 6.512.3, 6.513.9 we have : $W_0(r)=1$ for $r>0,$ $W_1(r)=1$ for $r>1$ and $W_2(r)=1$ for $r>2.$
My first question is : do we have $W_n(r)=1$ for $r>n$ ?
I did some numerical verification using quadosc
package in Python that tend to confirm this is true (I checked until $n=10$ with $r=n+1$).
My second question is : does it exist some closed formula for $W_n(r)$ when $r\le n$ ?
Thanks in advance for your help