Regarding the dense embedding, perhaps this is helpful. Statement 1 can be taken as a definition of density, which makes the connection with topology by means of the lower-cone topology.
Theorem. Suppose that $A$ and $B$ are Boolean algebras and
$h:A\to B$ is an embedding, meaning an injective homomorphism, an isomorphism of $A$ with a subalgebra of $B$. Then
the following are equivalent:
- $h$ is dense in the sense that $h[A]$ is a dense subset of $B$,
meaning that for every nonzero $b\in B$ there is nonzero $a\in A$ with
$h(a)\leq b$.
- $h$ is dense in the sense that every element of $B$ is the
join of elements in $h[A]$.
- $h$ is dense in the sense that every element of $B$ is the meet
of elements in $h[A]$.
Proof. ($1\to 2$) Suppose that $h$ is dense in the sense of
(1), and consider any $b\in B$. Let $A_0=\{a\in A\mid h(a)\leq
b\}$. So $h[A_0]$ lies entirely below $b$, but the join of $h[A_0]$
must equal $b$, for otherwise there is some $c<b$ which is an upper
bound of $h[A_0]$. In this case, $b-c$ is nonzero and so has some
nonzero $h(a)\leq b-c$. So $a\in A_0$ and thus $h(a)\leq c$,
($2\to 3$) Assume $h$ is dense in the sense of (2), and consider
any $b\in B$. So $\neg b=\bigvee h[A_0]$ for some $A_0\subseteq A$.
By De Morgan reasoning it follows that $b=\bigwedge_{a\in A_0} \neg
h(a)$, and so $b$ is the meet of $h[\{\neg a\mid a\in A_0\}]$.
($3\to 1$) Assume $h$ is dense in the sense of (3), and consider
any nonzero $b\in B$. So $1\neq \neg b\in B$ and $\neg b$ is the
meet of $h[A_0]$ for some set $A_0\subseteq A$. So $\neg b\leq
h(a)$ for some $1\neq a\in A_0$, and consequently $0\neq h(\neg
a)\leq b$, as desired for (1). $\quad\Box$
The theorem shows that a dense embedding is one whose range is dense in the lower-cone topology on $B$, which answers your final question.