I was going through this paper. Corollary 7.3.4 says the $L$-function $L(s,\pi, \rm{sym}^4)$ is holomorphic except possibly at $s=0,1$ and gives a necessary and sufficient condition for it to have a pole at $s=1$ where $\pi$ is a cuspidal representation of $\rm{GL}_2(\mathbb{A}_{\mathbb{Q}})$.
But it does not talk about the behaviour of the fucntion at $s=0$. Can we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the function to have a pole at $s=0$?
Also if $\pi$ is not monomial then, $L(s,\pi, \rm{sym}^4)$ does not have a pole at $s=1$. Can we say more? Can we say it is non-zero or zero at $s=1$?
Similarly, by corollary 5.1.7, $L(s,\rm{sym}^2(\pi)\otimes \chi)$ does not have a pole at s=1 iff $\pi$ is not monomial. Can it have a zero there or is it always non-zero at $s=1$ when $\pi$ is not monomial?
Thank you in advance.