
Denote $\gcd(a, b)$ as $(a, b)$

Let $$f(a) =\sum_{k=1}^a (k,a)$$

Clearly $f(a)\equiv 1\pmod{a-1}$ if $a$ is prime.

Can it be shown that, there are infinitely many composite numbers satisfied $f(a)\equiv1\pmod{a-1}$?

First four composite numbers are $41124, 230867, 358267, 37539572$.


$$f(a)=\sum_{d\mid a} d\phi(a/d)$$

Thus $f$ is multiplicative.

We can compute $f(p^n)=np^{n-1}(p-1)+p^n$, when $p$ is prime. Which is a general formula for $f(a)$ in terms of the prime factorization of $a.$

Source Code PARI/GP:


Credit: viper found above four composite number through given code and Thomas Andrews, write a formula for $f(a)$.

This problem is sequel to my MSE post (link).Your suggestions, comments, the answer are very valuable to me. Apologies if the problem is just unsolvable. Thank you.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Using multiplicativity rather than the sum over divisors will speed up your code. $\endgroup$ Commented May 19, 2021 at 18:23
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Added these to the OEIS as oeis.org/A344456 $\endgroup$ Commented May 20, 2021 at 12:40
  • $\begingroup$ @MaxAlekseyev Oh, thank you! My pleasure. $\endgroup$
    – Pruthviraj
    Commented May 20, 2021 at 13:12

1 Answer 1


I do not know answer to your question, but here is an approach how one can extend a given integer $m$ to a solution $mp$ (if one exists) with a prime $p\nmid m$.

Using the multiplicativity, we want $$f(mp) = f(m)(2p-1) \equiv 1\pmod{pm-1}.$$ That is, there should be an integer $k$ such that $$f(m)(2p-1) - 1 = k(pm-1),$$ which is equivalent to $$(mp-1)(2f(m)-mk) = (m-2)f(m) + m.$$ Hence, we need to find a divisor $d$ of $(m-2)f(m) + m$ such that $d\equiv -1\pmod{m}$ and test if $p:=\frac{d+1}m$ is prime, and also if $p\nmid m$. From each such divisor, we obtain a suitable prime $p$.

Using the above approach for $m\leq 10^8$, I computed seven more solutions (although they may be not in order): $$148025049, 235167249, 242788284, 1085464188, 142772845653, 202728626748, 62763888399737.$$

Also, it can be used to come up with an heuristic argument (how likely for such $d$ to exist, how likely $\frac{d+1}m$ is prime etc.) for infinitude of solutions.


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