I'm using Muscalu and Schlag's textbook (online notes) to study Littlewood-Paley theory in harmonic analysis, where I encounter the following claim:
Pick an arbitrary real number $s$, we have that the intersection of $\cap_{t \in \mathbb{R}}H^{t}$ is dense in $H^{s}$.
The author mentioned that it suffices to prove the following equivalence of norms:
$$c^{-1}\|f-P_{\leq k}f\|_{H^{s}}^2 \leq \sum_{l \geq k}2^{2ls}\|P_{l}f\|_{L^2}^{2} \leq c\|f-P_{\leq k}f\|_{H^{s}}^2 \quad (\forall \ f \in H^s)$$
where $c = c(s) > 0$ above is some constant dependent on $s$ and $P_{\leq k} = \sum_{j \leq k}P_{j}$ is the sum of a subset of Littlewood-Paley projection operators.
I can see how the dense property can be derived from the equivalence of norms exhibited above. However, I have tried using several properties of the Littlewood-Paley projection operators, but none of them helps me gain any progress in showing the inequality above...any hint/idea?