I'm studying harmonic analysis by myself, and I read some online notes that introduce the Bernstein inequality. One of them mention a reversed form of the Bernstein inequality, which is stated below:
Let $\mathbb{T} = \mathbb{R} / \mathbb{Z} = [0,1]$ be the one-dimensional torus. Assume that a function $f \in L^{1}(\mathbb{T})$ satisfies $\hat{f}(j) = 0$ for all $|j| < n$ (vanishing Fourier coefficients). Then for all $1 \leq p \leq \infty$, there exists some constant $C$ independent of $n,p$ and $f$, such that $$\|f'\|_{p} \geq Cn\|f\|_{p}$$
It seems that an easier problem can be obtained by replacing $f'$ with $f''$ in the above inequality. The easier problem is addressed in the MO post below:
However, it seems that the trick of convex Fourier coefficients used in the post above no longer applies to the harder problem (lower bounding the norm of the first derivative). Any suggestions/ideas?