A right-closed bicategory [1] is a bicategory that has all right extensions (i.e. right adjoints to precomposition with a fixed 1-cell). A one-object right-closed bicategory is therefore a right-closed monoidal category. (There are dual notions involving left extensions, and left and right lifts, corresponding similarly to left-closed and left- and right-coclosed monoidal categories.)
Is there a coherence theorem in the literature for right-closed bicategories, or can it be deduced from an existing result? I expect something like the following to be true:
Every right-closed bicategory is biequivalent to a (strictly) right-closed 2-category.
Here "strictly right-closed" would mean something like "composition of right extensions is strictly associative and unital".
[1]: Definition 16.3.1, May–Sigurdsson's Parametrized Homotopy Theory