Let $X$, $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ be a compact Hausdorff spaces and let $\varphi_i:X\to Y_i$ be a continuous surjection (and so a quotient map).
Let $\sim$ be the minimal closed equivalence relation on $X$ that includes $(x,y)$ with $\varphi_1(x)=\varphi_1(y)$ and $\varphi_2(x)=\varphi_2(y)$ (recall that an equivalence relation on $X$ is called closed if for every closed $A\subset X$ the union of all classes of elements of $A$ is closed; an equivalence relation induced by $\varphi_i$ is closed).
One can show that a quotient space $Z$ of $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space. Let $\psi:X\to Z$ be the corresponding quotient map. I want to show that if $\varphi_i$ are not too wild, then the same is true for $\psi$. Namely:
If $\varphi_i$ are such that $int~\varphi_i(U)\ne\varnothing$, for every open $U\subset X$, does the same property hold for $\psi$?
Here is the motivation for this question. I have two closed subalgebras $E_i$ of $C(X)$ that contain $1$. It is well known that such subalgebras consist of functions of the form $f\circ\varphi_i$, where $\varphi_i:X\to Y_i$ is a surjection onto some compact $Y_i$, and $f\in C(Y_i)$.
It is given that $E_i$ are regular sublattices of $C(X)$ (this means that if a net in $E_i$ decreases to $0$ in $E_i$, the same is true in $C(X)$). I can show that this property for $E_i$ translates into the property of $\varphi_i$ mentioned above and I want to prove that $E_1\cap E_2$ also has this property. Perhaps this property has an algebraic equivalent that can be checked for intersection.