The quaternionic unitary group $\mathrm{U}(n,\mathbb{H})$, also called the compact symplectic group $\mathrm{Sp}(n)$, consists of $n \times n$ quaternionic matrices $g$ such that $gg^\ast = 1$, where
$$ (g^\ast)_{ij} = \overline{g}_{ji}$$
and the overline denotes quaternionic conjugation.
My question: is every quaternionic unitary matrix conjugate to a diagonal one?
That is: given a quaternionic unitary matrix $g$, is there a quaternionic unitary matrix $h$ such that $h g h^{-1}$ is diagonal, meaning that $(h g h^{-1})_{ij} = 0$ when $i \ne j$?
I feel pretty sure this is true. If it is, what I really want is a reference to a proof, or a proof.