I would like to understand and compute the shapes of rational functions, that is, holomorphic maps of the Riemann sphere to itself, or equivalently, ratios of two polynomials, up to Moebius transformations in both domain and range. For degree 1 and 2, there is only one equivalence class. For degree 3, there is a well-understood one-complex-parameter family, so the real challenge is for higher degrees.
Given a set of points to be the critical values [in the range], along with a covering space of the complement homeomorphic to a punctured sphere, the uniformization theorem says this Riemann surface can be parametrized by $S^2$, thereby defining a rational function. Is there a reasonable way to compute such a rational map?
I'm interested in ideas of good and bad ways to go about this. Computer code would also be most welcome.
Given a set of $2d-2$ points on $CP^1$ to be critical points [in the domain], it has been known since Schubert that there are Catalan(d) rational functions with those critical points. Is there a conceptual way to describe and identify them?
In the case that all critical points are real, Eremenko and Gabrielov, Rational functions with real critical points and the B. and M. Shapiro conjecture in real enumerative geometry. Annals of Mathematics, v.155, p.105-129, 2002 gave a good description. They are determined by $f^{-1}(R)$, which is $R$ together with mirror-image subdivisions of the upper and lower half-plane by arcs. These correspond to the various standard things that are enumerated by Catalan numbers. Is there a global conceptual classification of this sort? And, is there a way to find a rational map with given critical points along with some kind of additional combinatorial data?
Note that for the case of polynomials, this is very trivial: the critical points are zeros of its derivative, so there is only one polynomial, which you get by integrating its the derivative.
Is there a complete characterization of the Schwarzian derivative for a rational map, starting with the generic case of $2d-2$ distinct critical points?
Cf. the recent question by Paul Siegel. The Schwarzian $q$ for a generic rational map has a double pole at each critical point. As a quadratic differential, it defines a metric $|q|$ on the sphere - critical points which is isometric to an infinitely long cylinder of circumference $\sqrt 6 \pi$ near each. Negative real trajectories of the quadratic differential go from pole to pole, defining a planar graph.
What planar graphs occur for Schwarzian derivatives of rational functions? What convex (or other) inequalities do they satisfy?
The map from the configuration space of $(2d-2)$ points together with branching data to the configuration space of $2d-2$ points, defined by mapping (configuration of critical values plus branched cover data) to (configuration of critical points) is a holomorphic map, which implies it is a contraction of the Teichmuller metric.
Is this map a contraction for other readily described metrics?