For $\rho$, take a non-trivial complex (absolutely) irreducible constituent $\chi$ of the character $\theta$ afforded by $\rho.$ Then for some reflection $t \in G$, we have $\chi(t) = \chi(1)-2,$ and ${\rm Res}^{G}_{\langle t \rangle }(\chi)$ contains the non-trivial linear character $\lambda$ of $\langle t \rangle$ with multiplicity $1$ ( and the trivial character with multiplicity $\chi(1)-1$).
Hence $\chi$ occurs with multiplicity one in the (character of) the representation ${\rm Ind}_{\langle t \rangle }^{G}(\lambda)$, which is a representation explicitly realised over the real field $\mathbb{R}.$
By the general theory of the Schur index, $\chi$ has Schur index $1$, and may be realised over the field of its character. But note that $\chi$ and $\overline{\chi}$ occur with equal multiplicity in the real valued character $\theta.$ If $\overline{\chi} \neq \chi$, then the above reflection $t$ has the eigenvalue $-1$ with multiplicity $2$ or more in the representation $\rho$, a contradiction. Hence $\chi$ is real valued, and since its Schur index is one, $\chi$ is realizable over $\mathbb{R}.$ Since $\rho$ is irreducible as a real representation, we have $\chi = \theta.$
Now let $H= G^{+}$ be the rotation (normal) subgroup of index $2$ in $G$. Since $\theta = \chi$ is absolutely irreducible, Clifford's theorem tells us that ${\rm Res}^{G}_{H}(\theta)$ is either (absolutely) irreducible, or the sum of two distinct (absolutely) irreducible characters/ Note that by consideration of the character inner product, the possibility that ${\rm Res}^{G}_{H}(\chi)$ is twice a (complex) irreducible character is excluded.
If ${\rm Res}^{G}_{H}(\theta)$ is irreducible as a complex character, then $\rho^{+}$ is an absolutely irreducible representation. If the restriction is not (absolutely) irreducible, then there are distinct complex irreducible character $\alpha, \beta$ of $H = G^{+}$ such that ${\rm Res}^{G}_{H}(\theta)$ = $\alpha + \beta$ and $\alpha(1) = \beta(1).$
In the latter case, the character inner product tells us that $\theta$ vanishes identically outside $H = G^{+}.$ In that case, each reflection of $G$ has the eigenvalue $1$ with mutiplicity $\alpha(1)$ in the representation $\rho^{+}.$ Since $G$ is a reflection group, it follows that $\alpha(1) = \beta(1) = 1.$
Irreducibility of $\theta$ tells us that $\alpha$ is not real-valued, (otherwise $G^{+}$ has order $2$ and $G$ is Abelian). Hence $\beta = \overline{\alpha}$ and $G^{+}$ is cyclic. Then $G$ is dihedral.
So the answer is that (as noted in comments) the representation $\rho$ is always absolutely irreducible. Also, $\rho^{+}$ is absolutely irreducible unless $\rho(1) = 2$ and $G$ is a dihedral group with at least six elements (the latter condition can be omitted if you do not consider the Klein $4$-group as a dihedral group).