$\DeclareMathOperator\Sp{Sp}\DeclareMathOperator\Fun{Fun}\newcommand\Cat{\text{Cat}}\DeclareMathOperator\CoInd{CoInd}\newcommand\Spaces{\text{Spaces}}$It is stated in line 10, p76, Thomas Nikolaus, Peter Scholze, On topological cyclic homology, arXiv:1707.01799.
The functor $(-)^{tC_p}:\Sp^{BC_p}\rightarrow \Sp$ is $BC_p$ equivariant, by Theorem I.4.1.
I have two confusions here
Q1. How are $\Sp^{BC_p}$ and $\Sp$ regarded as $BC_p$ equivariant objects?
In the spirit of Maxime's answer to How does one rigorously lift a map $Sp \rightarrow Sp$ of spectra to equivariant spectra? (which I clearly haven't internalized), my understanding is that we should have an adjunction $$ \Fun(B(BC_p), \Cat) \xrightarrow{U} \Cat$$ with right adjoint $\CoInd$, such that $\CoInd(\Sp) \simeq \Sp^{BC_p}$.
Q2. How does the result followm from I.4.1?