I am quite interested in moduli spaces for Rings and Ideals, a letter from Deligne to Bhargava is cited in Melanie Wood's thesis Moduli spaces for Rings and Ideals (pdf), studying the minimal free resolution of $n$ points in $\mathbb P^{n−2}$. It's also cited in the thesis of Kevin H. Wilson, Three perspectives on $n$ points in $\mathbb{P}^{n-2}$ (link) (after Theorem 135):
Such strong canonicity in these multiplicative structures has been implicitly used by many authors. For instance, Wright and Yukie [116] implicitly used this structure to parameterize rank $n$ rings over $\mathbb{Q}$. And Bhargava also implicitly relied on a much stronger canonicity (over $\mathbb{Z}$) in structuring his Higher Composition Laws [9, 10, 11, 14]. Perhaps the place where the idea of using such canonical multiplicative structures was first developed was in Deligne’s letter to Bhargava [41] which inspired Wood’s vast generalization in her thesis [114, 113, 112] extending Bhargava’s quadratic, cubic, and quartic Higher Composition Laws to arbitrary base schemes.
Where can I find a copy of this letter (or a short explanation of the idea)? Thank you very much.