Let $f\in D(0,T)$. Let $\mathsf{Disc}_n(f)=\{t\colon |f(t^+)-f(t^-)|\ge \frac 1n\}$. I claim this set is discrete. If not, there is a sequence of distinct points $(t_k)\in\mathsf{Disc}_n(f)$ converging to some $t_0$. There is then a subsequence converging to $t_0$ consisting entirely of points on the left or entirely of points on the right. This contradicts the left limit or right continuity property at $t_0$. Hence $\mathsf{Disc}_n(f)$ is discrete, and therefore finite. Hence $\mathsf{Disc}(f)=\bigcup_n\mathsf{Disc}_n(f)$ is countable and so of measure 0.
Now consider
S=\{(f,t)\colon f\in D(0,T),\, t\in\mathsf{Disc}(f)\}.
By the above calculation, for each $f\in D(0,T)$, $\text{Leb}(\mathsf{Disc}(f))=0$. Hence $\mathbb P\times\text{Leb}(S)=0$. So by Fubini's theorem,
\mathbb P\times\text{Leb}(S)=\int_0^T \mathbb P(\{f\in D(0,T)\colon t\in\mathsf{Disc}(f)\})\,dt=0.
Hence for $\text{Leb}$-a.e. $t$,
\mathbb P(\{f\in D(0,T)\colon t\in\mathsf{Disc}(f)\})=0.$$