Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a restriction on which probability distributions can describe the position and momentum of a quantum particle.
In mathematical terms it says that if $\psi\in L^2$ is normalized, and we define $f,g\in L^1$ by $f(x)=|\psi(x)|^2$ and $g(k)=|\hat\psi(k)|^2$ then we have $$V(f)V(g)\geq\frac14$$ where $V$ is the variance of the probability distribution with the given density function.
There are various other uncertainty principles, including the Entropic uncertainty principle and Hardy's uncertainty principle. Define $f,g\in L^1$ to be compatible if there exists $\psi\in L^2$ such that $f(x)=|\psi(x)|^2$ and $g(k)=|\hat{\psi}(k)|^2$. Then each uncertainty principle states a condition which compatible $f$ and $g$ must obey.
I noticed a curious fact, which holds true of everything I could find in the literature calling itself an 'uncertainty principle'. For fixed $f$ the restriction on $g$ is always a convex set. For example the set of $g$ satisfying $V(g)\geq\frac1{4V(f)}$ is convex because variance is a concave function on the space of probability distributions.
This does makes sense with the name 'uncertainty principle'. Intuitively, mixing probability distributions cannot produce a result that is more 'certain' than all of them.
However, playing with the Discrete Fourier Transform as a toy model, I noticed that the set of $g$ compatible with a given $f$ need not be convex.
Randomly sampled $g$ compatible with $f = (0.46,0.46,0.08)$ and $f = (0.46,0.46,0.07,0.01)$:
Note that these sets are nonconvex, and don't even contain the maximally-uncertain uniform distribution (the centre point of the simplex of possible distributions). So the uncertainty of distributions in these sets is bounded above as well as below.
In the case of distributions on $\mathbb R$, can we even find a single $f$ for which we can prove the set of compatible $g$ is not convex?
Is there a 'certainty principle' that, for $f$ within some class, puts an upper bound on the variance or entropy of compatible $g$?