
I've always been interested in having a good understanding of Gentzen's proof of the consistency of arithmetic.

Being more precise, he showed that $PRA + WF(\epsilon_0) \vdash Con(PA)$.

I am interested in an exposition of his work that

1) Is transparent on which parts of the consistency proof uses the well-foundness of $\epsilon_0$.

2) Discuss (in mathematical and philosphical way) to what extent this proof deviate from the original Hilbert's Program, and in what extent it fits in a nice way to a more flexible formulation of this programme.

I should also add:

0) Is technically as simple as possible.

Item 0) is because I think this question might be of interest to the curious general mathematician.


1 Answer 1


Pohlers's 1989 book 'Proof Theory, An Introduction' gives a very clean, streamlined approach (based on work by Tait.)

Takeuti's presentation in his 'Proof Theory' is closer to Gentzen's original proof, but is much less readable than Pohlers.


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